Szent László tanösvény​
Mogyoród Nonprofit Kft.
+36 70 884 8504

VEKOP project

Discovering the mountains around Budapest
and the Gödöllő-hills on foot" titled project
VEKOP-4.1.1-15-2017-00007. sz. projekt
Saint Ladislaus Educational Trail, Mogyoród
In consortium with Hungarian Hikers' Association and the Park Forest of Pilis, the brandnew touristic attraction of Mogyoród, the Saint Ladislaus Educational Trail has completed from EU funds.
The settlement - that is well-known about Hungaroring (Formule-1) and the Aquarena – has created the educational trail from the abovementioned EU-project that connects the natural and cultural values of Mogyoród and the new touristic developments.
The educational trail awaits the boot-tourists, the nature lovers, travelers interested in history and the families, in particular.
The Memorial Site presents the great knight-king, Saint Ladislaus who had an important role at the formation of the settlement. The Natural Energy Station's goal is to educate the younger age groups to one of the biggest challenge of present society, climate change, in an easy to understand way. It also shows the options of saving nature and sustainability.
One of the endpoints of the Educational Trail is the newly renovated Saint Ladislaus Lookout Tower that provides a spectacular view to Gödöllő-hills. From this point, tourists can even hike to Fót, visit the vine cellars of Mogyoród, the Village House, and Saint Michael Archangel Parish Church and the Protestant Church.
There are two playgrounds for the children, and the visitors can try one of the country's longest barefoot path.
Procurements within the project:
- big-size information borads (6 pcs),
- information boards of nature education (20 pcs),
- roll-ups (4 db),
- plant nomenclature boards (77 pcs),
- wooden trashbins (20 pcs),
- field tables (2 pcs),
- realistic medieval armed soldiers (3 pcs),
- audiovisual devices (touchscreen kiosk, tablets) and electronic devises (eg. wind generator, electric car charger).
Total cost of the project in Mogyoród: 129.831.959 HUF
Projekt honlap:
Versenyképes Közép-Magyarország Operatív Program (VEKOP) sz. projekt

„Gyalogszerrel felfedezni a Budapest környéki hegységek és a Gödöllői-Dombság turisztikai termékkínálatát. „ Konzorciumvezető: Magyar Természetjáró Szövetség Konzorciumi tagok: Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt, Mogyoród Nagyközség Önkormányzata
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