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The Saint Ladislaw education trail


Mogyoród, The Saint Ladislaw education trail
The Saint Ladislaw education trail, starting from the Saint Ladislaw Lookout Tower and Chapel on Somlyó Hill in Mogyoród and designed by Makovecz Imre, which is also a rest station and part of the Mary Pilgrimage. The educational trail leads through several beautiful, valuable and endangered plants from the Somlyó Hill, including the main cultural and natural wonders, such as the Saint Ladislaw Square, the spring territories of the Mogyoród spring and the Saint Ladislaw Memoriam.
It is withing the borders of the township’s borders and the Fóti Somlyó Natural Reserve. The trail is marked with the “green triangle”, “red M”. The name of the Educational Trail is connected to Saint Ladislaw King, and several stations on the trail are also named after him.
The theme and aim of the Educational Trail is mainly to educate and help people develop a greener outlook on the world, by showcasing several endangered species and plants, with health preserving hikes, as well as with different wooden toys in the forest, the barefoot track, displaying renewable sources of energy consumption and introducing some ancient professions. To prese these values, the best practice could be by showcasing them in a way that educates people in the process.
Tourist program offer
Mogyoród, The Saint Ladislaw education trail
Sant Ladislaw Lookout Tower and Chapel
The Saint Ladislaw Educational Trail, as the starting point of an individual development of the Saint Ladislaw Lookout Tower and Chapel, located on the Somlyó hill in Mogyoród, and designed by Makovecz Imre’s layouts. After the renovation, an exhibition of the area’s endangered plants and animals, as well as displaying the famous sights of the township with a geographical and historical exhibition.
Barefoot path – Spring territory
In one of the spring territories of Mogyoród stream, deriving from Mogyoród, there is a 50 m2 forest playground, and a so-called Barefoot bath (Kneipp path). One of the most peculiar things about this path is that it possesses most surfaces: pine crust, shuck, pinecones, lawn, billet, wooden boards, sand, stones from the stream, pearl stones, casing with concrete elements, heat-resistant brick, clay boards, small bricks, clay.
Saint Ladislaw Memoriam and Visitor Centre
The 100 m2 floorspace Saint Ladislaw Memoriam and Visitor Centre commemorates honourable memoriam for Saint Ladislaw King and his victorious battle of Mogyoród. The Visitor Centre also hosts a local history exhibition, depicting the life of Saint Ladislaw and the battle of Mogyoród in 1074. The Memoriam and Visitor Centre is also a gift shop as well.
Natural Recourse Station
Ideal rest station for hikers on the Education trail with diverse past time activities, which is located near the Lookout Tower, by the bottom of Somlyó hill, at the skirts of the village. Compared to the conventional rest stations, modern, innovative and automated solutions were carried out. Such as:
- Solar Cell Park and Innovative Rest Station Aiming to practically showcase alternative resources (solar cells and windmill) and mindful environmental education. These resources supply all electronic devices at the rest station, using the latest modern solutions (e.g: electric cars, wind-power, geothermal energy, functioning of passive houses) and presenting the upcoming environmentally friendly solutions.
- Wooden playground, adjusted to the natural environment
- Windmill A windmill reproduction with the aim to be demonstrating, educating and exciting for children. For the electrically powered windmill (as well as for the manual mill, propelled by manpower) belongs a kneading-and baking place. Visitors can get familiar with the methods of the crop grinding and flour making processes, they can knead some pasta, and they can also bake a simple pie, using the traditional techniques on the conventional stove.
Versenyképes Közép-Magyarország Operatív Program (VEKOP) sz. projekt

„Gyalogszerrel felfedezni a Budapest környéki hegységek és a Gödöllői-Dombság turisztikai termékkínálatát. „ Konzorciumvezető: Magyar Természetjáró Szövetség Konzorciumi tagok: Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt, Mogyoród Nagyközség Önkormányzata
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