Szent László tanösvény​
Mogyoród Nonprofit Kft.
+36 70 884 8504

Educational Trail stations

Saint Michael Archangel Roman Catholic Church

Saint Michael Archangel Roman Catholic Church
The church was built partly from the remains of the one-time, under Turkish rule destroyed Árpád era Benediction abbey of Mogyoród, from 1747-1749, financed by Althan Mihály, bishop of Vác. The church was sanctified in honour of Saint Michael archangel in 1749. The single-nave, one façade tower baroque church was expanded by a transept on the Eastern side in 1909-1910.
The interior is a three division, strutted, spherical cap vault. On the main altar stands a high quality, painted gold 18th century sculpture of Saint Michael Archangel, created by Bebo Károly.
The nave’s two vaults were created by Böszörményi Schwarz János monumental wall painter in the 1930s, using the secco technique. On the North-Eastern pillar of the transept there is a historicizing pulpit, which alongside with other church installations, chandeliers, confessionals and benches were mostly placed here during the renovation in the 1910s.
The church’s freestanding span-roof is equipped with a façade tower, scaled by a transept from the West. The undecorated façade is modestly created. On either side of the confessionals, we can find two painted sculptures, created by Sebestyén Zoltán, local wood-carver, of Saint Sebastian and Saint Fabian martyr bishop.
The traditional doucine steeple is simple and lanceted. There are three bells in the tower. The church is an emblematic part of the oldest historical building sites of Mogyoród, which not only hosts religious occasions, but concerts and other events as well. The church building has gone through a thorough renovation in the last 15 years, with the help of the financial aid of the parish.
Versenyképes Közép-Magyarország Operatív Program (VEKOP) sz. projekt

„Gyalogszerrel felfedezni a Budapest környéki hegységek és a Gödöllői-Dombság turisztikai termékkínálatát. „ Konzorciumvezető: Magyar Természetjáró Szövetség Konzorciumi tagok: Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt, Mogyoród Nagyközség Önkormányzata
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