Szent László tanösvény​
Mogyoród Nonprofit Kft.
+36 70 884 8504

Educational Trail stations

Cellar line

Cellar line
Not only an integral part of our township, but a crucial element, viniculture and oenology is closely connected to the “klastrom”, founded by Saint Ladislaw and the monastery:
On the hills of Mogyoród most probably by the Benedictine planted the first vineyards, they produced the first wine and the first cellars are also connected to their names. The monastery and its agriculture were destroyed by Tatar invasion and the Turk devastation, however, several families in Mogyoród carried on this tradition. There are some, who still cultivate the vineyards, produce award winning wines and host guests in the wine cellars and the wine-press houses in front of them. The local viniculturists and oenologists support each other, their works are united by the Mogyoródi Hegyközség.
The enchanting double line of wine-press houses and several hundred-year-old cellars are under the protection of the local architectural heritage.
As a station of the Educational Path, visitors can view the cellars and there is also an opportunity for wine tasting.
Pincesor: Somlói utca
Versenyképes Közép-Magyarország Operatív Program (VEKOP) sz. projekt

„Gyalogszerrel felfedezni a Budapest környéki hegységek és a Gödöllői-Dombság turisztikai termékkínálatát. „ Konzorciumvezető: Magyar Természetjáró Szövetség Konzorciumi tagok: Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt, Mogyoród Nagyközség Önkormányzata
2021 © kft. – Minden jog fenntartva